搜索"Ch" ,找到 9802部影视作品
I saw this film twice on my first trip to Italy (my first European trip, so it already was magical) and loved it, which was high praise, since I'd only been studying Italian for a few months, on my own. As I remember, it's the story of a man in an old actors home who wins a lottery, and runs away with a pretty worker from the home. He is taken advantage of, I remember, but exactly how...? I have looked for this film on video, and I think United Artists may offer it, but perhaps only in Europe. I would love to see it again...Ugo Tognazzi was a wonderful actor, and expressed many things simultaneously, as he did in La Cage Aux Folles. Lucky you if you can see the movie. I was in love with my Primo [Italian] Amore at the time, so perhaps memory has sweetened recollection. But I t苏州万达电影城影讯hink it was lots of fun to watch. I found this film one of the saddest ones which I've ever seen. Dino Risi is a brilliant director and made a great film which shows the aging. Ugo Tognazzi plays the actor who feels too young to be in an "old actor's house". He just can't stand the rules and the other old people so he escape with a young girl. The sad part comes from here because the girl wants her freedom, doesn't love the man and cheats him with other guys. In fact she never told the man that she loved him.
Rainer Werner Fassbinder was probably Germany’s most significant post-war director. His swift and dramatic demise at the early age of 37 in 1982 left behind a vacuum in European filmmaking that has yet to be filled, as well as a body of unique, multi-layered and multifarious work of astonishing consistency and rigour. From 1969 onwards, Danish director and film historian Christian Braad Thomsen maintained a close yet respectfully distanced friendship with Fassbinder. Fassbinder – Lieben ohne zu fordern is based on his personal memories as well as a series of conversations and interviews he held with Fassbinder and his mother Lilo in the 1970s. The film also contains current interviews with Irm Hermann and Harry Baer, both of whom were close to Fassbinder. Beginn十大禁玩游戏ing with Fassbinder’s extraordinary childhood in traumatised post-war Germany, the film, which is divided into seven chapters, provides an illuminating, intimate and moving tribute that bears witness to the enduring relevance of both the man and his work. Today in particular his o爱可以重来剧情euvre continues to provoke us to engage with controversy and tension – be it aesthetical, creative or critical. berlianle 2015
Michael Dupret
As the #1 social influencer at her high school, Anna is still discovering the advantages an好男人在线观看免费高清d drawbacks of this new status. Home alone, she's determined to gain as many foll阿布定owers as possible, but when the line between real and virtual is getting 新鸳鸯蝴蝶剑blurry, the night becomes bloody.
邓迪(保罗·霍根 Paul Hogan 饰)自小被非洲土著抚养长大,故对于传统的狩猎技能颇为精通。一次意外中,一条凶猛的鳄鱼攻击了邓迪,在腿部受伤的情况下,邓迪制服了鳄鱼,并靠其异常坚韧的意志力最终获救。对于邓迪的英雄事迹,记者苏(琳达·科斯罗斯基 Linda Kozlowski 饰)十分感兴趣,为了写一篇关于邓迪的新闻报告,苏千里迢迢来到了澳大利亚。 在秋霞在线观看视频高清经历了充满惊险与刺激的野外生存之后,苏热情的将邓迪邀请到了她的“地盘”——大都市纽约。可是,从未见识过如此排场的邓迪在新生事物面前不仅显得十分胆怯,还闹出了不少的笑话。在潜移默化之间,邓迪和苏已然相互产生了好感,但苏已有男友梅森(马克·布鲁姆 Mark Blum 饰),两人婚期在即。分别的日子即将到来,苏和邓迪都无法掩饰失望之情。
Lado Kvataniya
Like Fritz Lang, David Fincher or Bong Joon Ho before him, talented debut filmmaker Lado Kvataniya uses the concept of police detective vs serial killer for an excitingly stylised, macabre and 祝英台遇到马文才在哪可以看haunting narrative, that ultimately revolves around the identity of an era: in this case, the late 1980s Soviet Union. With Glasnost and the end of communist rule, the West also learned of the (unsurprising) fact that there were serial killers in Russia too – the most notorious case probably that of Andrei Chikatilo, nicknamed the Rostov Ripper, or the Russian Hannib赘婿电视剧全集36集资源al Lecter. Based on these and many other sources, Kvataniya and screenwriter Olga Gorodetskaya constructed an immersive psychological puzzle, jumping back and forth in time, to reveal ever new-possible motives for the actions of all the protagonists. It all starts in 19深空失忆 下载90, when Detective Issa Davydov is celebrating his promotion and receives a call, reporting a crime that looks precisely like the ones of the serial killer that he famously captured some years before ...
"Alone" follows a writer seeking peace and solit秘密教学漫画画免费漫画ude in the countryside in an attempt to recover from tragedy and finish her book. However, as the welcoming country house turns in楚雨荨是谁演的to a living hell, she soon realizes that her inner demons are not the worst of her problems.
Domin D'Silva
广袤野性的南非草原搞笑一家人 国语版。入夜,一只迷路的印度豹幼崽跌跌撞撞地闯进高速公路。幸运的是,彼得(坎贝尔·斯科特 Campbell Scott饰)父子救下了它。当两父子把这个小家伙带回家时,儿子赞恩(亚历克斯·迈克尔罗特 Alex Michaeletos饰)仍旧紧紧地搂着小豹仔,他终于有了一个可以一起长大的朋友了。他给小豹仔取名杜玛。可随着杜玛一天天的长大,赞恩必须要让他的这个动物朋友回归到自然中。于是他带着杜玛只身横穿整个南非。蛮荒的南非大地上危机重重,潜伏的非洲狮,暗藏在河流中的鳄鱼,还有那护国军魂个试图抓杜玛卖钱的神秘流浪汉。赞恩和杜玛的大冒险就这样开始了。赞恩经历千辛万苦,终于把杜玛送回野外。可到达这次旅程终点的时候,也该是赞恩和杜玛道别的一刻。 本片是由华纳公司推出的一部以动物与人为题材的电影,执导过《黑神驹湮灭 电影》和《伴你高飞》的电影导演拉罗尔·巴尔兰德再次执导该片。
改编自欧美畅销图文书--詹姆斯-克里斯特森《voyage of the basset》
&l舒淇 三级t;p>一头红发,perfect的“第五元素”莉露(Milla Jovovich饰)受命来到地球,她要协助人类与每隔五千年降临一次的邪恶力量对抗,联合风、火、水、土四块神石击退敌人。 在实验室被复制出来后,言语不通的莉露在躲避人类的追捕中搭上了退役特工科本(Bruce Will is饰)的出租车。科本带莉露找到了负责接头的神父,两人也渐渐的产生了好感。 莉露与科本一同前往一个叫“失落天堂”的星球找寻另外四种元不知火舞 同人漫画素的神石。但是,在战斗中莉露受伤昏迷,而且由于人类的暴行和无知杀戮,莉露陷入了内心的迷惘。大敌当前,科本究竟用什么力量才能唤醒莉露呢?
故事发生在内达华的茫茫沙漠之中,教授(瓦莱里奥·马斯坦德雷亚 Valerio Mastandrea 饰)孤身一人驻扎在大名鼎鼎的51区,每日醉心于自己的研究之中,早年间,教授的妻子去世了,而教授如今如此痴迷于探索宇宙,也只是为了能够再次听到妻子的声音而俊男坊txt已。然而,教授宁静的生活却屡屡被名为史黛拉(克蕾曼丝·波西 Clémence Poésy 饰)的女人给搅乱,史黛拉是一名婚礼策划,而她服务的对象是那些相信外星人存在的情侣们。
Peter Mourougaya
Thang Máy là câu 斗罗大陆第173集免费观看chuyện kỳ bí xảy ra với những cô gái trẻ khi đi Thang Máy một mình. Mọi chuyện bắt đầu khi Jina đột nhiên mất tích sau khi livestream trong thang máy我和唐三小舞过一天作文. Sự cố này gây ra nỗi sợ hãi tâm lý trong tâm trí Trang đến mức cô bị ám ảnh không thể bước vào thang máy ở bất猜拳 电视剧 cứ đâu. Cho đến khi người bạn thứ hai - Ngọc - cũng mất tích khi đang livestream trong chính cái thang máy của khu bệnh viện cũ kỹ.
Dash Akol is greatly respected in Shiraz as an honorable man who has lost his family's money through helping his friends. He has an enemy, however, named Kaka Rostam, a mean and spiteful person. Dash Akol, who is in his forties, falls in love with Marjan, daughter of the late Haji Samad, for whose estate he is the executor. But he keeps his love secret. One day a suitor asks for Marjan's hand, and Dash Akol considers it against his code of honor to refuse. On the night of the wedding, Dash Akol hands over responsibility for the family to the bridegroom. As he is leaving the house, however, Kaka Rostam is waiting for him and a fight ensues. Kaka Rostam stabs him in the back, but Dash Akol succeeds in killing him. On his deathbed, Dash Akol sends his parrot to Marjan with the confession of love he has tau歪歪漫画登录页面入口网站ght it.
What Nicholas (9) loves most is playing with his ga吉泽明ng of middle school pals, The Invincibles. Adorable, yet mischievous, they have all sorts of adventures together and life could not be funnier. So when his dad gets promot地下水道美人鱼ed and announces that the family is relocating to the South of France, his wo郑顺渊rld falls apart. Little Nicholas cannot live without his friends. But the pack has a plan to prevent this terrible relocation: a treasure hunt.
Tim Dünschede
影片改编自著名小说《三个小神探》,讲述了三位小侦探调查员去到特兰西瓦尼亚,追寻德古拉伯爵的足迹的故事。他们三个住在洛杉矶和圣巴巴拉之间沿海小镇洛基海滩。这个夏天,他们可以和彼得的天海翼 qvod父亲一起在德古拉新电影的拍摄现场实习。给我生命给我爱全集然而这三位小侦探一到这里,就听到了奇怪的敲门声、反复出现的阴森恐怖的旋律、以及脾气暴躁的看门人和他那条令人毛骨悚然的狗。难道是皮亚特拉城堡是闹鬼了?还是这些奇怪现象的背后有科学的解释?面对这些谜团,彼得、鲍勃和贾斯特斯找到了他们的新案子。三位侦探带我们踏上了他们的调查之旅,进入一个充满古老传说、迷信和隐藏宝藏的世界。这些谜团涉及一个失踪已久我的泪珠儿演员表的男孩、一个神秘的兄弟会和一个神秘的亡灵……