搜索"El" ,找到 10558部影视作品
It’s never too late to make a change in your life. Attilio欧洲bt, Giorgetto, and the “Professore,” three retired men from Rome, are tired of their daily struggle; they dream of escaping to someplace exotic. They begin to 无双完美save up the necessary money but it’s hard to break their habits. Di Gregorio continues his story of harmlessly eccentric men. With him, Giorgio Colangeli and Ennio Fantastichini in his last, very dynamic performance.
弗雷德里克·贝恩 Frédéric Berthe
Ast绅士 庭rid Nielsen, works in the library of the judicial police. Suffering from Asperger's syndrome, however, she has an incredible memory, so she is very useful in analyzing the files for ongoing investigations. The district comma电视剧扫黑风暴28全集免费观看nder, having noticed this ability, decides to use it to the fullest, entrusting her with very complex investigations which have remained unsolved to date. In addition, also t大片网o reciprocate, he will try to help Astrid on the behavioral side, in order to provide mutual help.
凯姆(泰勒·洛特纳 Taylor Lautner 饰)是一位正直善良的自行金榜题名粤语车快递员,然而,不幸的他却被卷入了巨大的黑帮债务之中无法脱身,为了抵债,凯姆不得不卖掉了自己心爱的自行车,然而,99久热精品免费观看他的命运亦因为此举而发生了翻天覆地的变化。 一次偶然中,凯姆遇见了名为尼基(玛莉·艾格洛蒲露丝 Marie Avgeropoulos 饰)的神秘女子,性感火辣的尼基很快就吸引了凯姆的注意,之后,凯姆加入了尼基所在的跑酷圈子,一扇通往新世界的大门就此打开。然而,没过多久,凯姆便发现,这个跑酷团体的真实妖精的尾巴oad身份其实是依靠偷窃珠宝为生的职业盗窃团伙,在知道了这一真相之后,凯姆会做出怎样的选择呢?
恐武健硕、冷酷有力的汤米·维克(史蒂夫·奥斯汀 Steve Austin 饰)是一名退役老兵,为了生计他不得不靠自己强壮的体魄干起刀口舔血的营生,而重情重义的汤米为了帮战友艾迪(洛奇林·莫罗 Lochlyn Munro 饰)还清债务,还必须替大佬道格(Eric Keenleyside 饰)收拾一桩桩棘手非法的烂摊子。这天,他从道格手中接下新一单生意,他需将携带一个神秘包裹转交给绰号“德国人”的不法分子(杜夫•朗格 Dolph Lundgren 饰)。这趟旅程看起来平淡无奇,谁知一伙歹徒突然出现向他们发起攻击,汤米的搭档当场死亡,而他必须独立扫清前进道路上的所有障碍。 一切争端全部源于那个神秘莫测的包裹……
马丁(梅尔·吉布森 Mel Gibson 饰)与罗格(Danny Glover 饰)这对儿老搭档再次出马,但是一开场就将歹徒的炸弹引爆毁掉了整座大楼,罗格退休前一星期的生活就这样开始了。第二天,两人在含着做到哭H街上偶遇假冒解款人员的匪徒,一番苦战将对方擒获,但是警队却将此案移交内政部美丽的女探员劳娜(Rene Russo 饰)负责。关押中的犯人被警察查韦斯射杀,马丁追捕对方但终于错失。罗格在一次街头枪战中射杀了儿子的好友,满心愧疚让他暂时离开调查。马丁与劳娜的组合逐步介入了案件幕后一起武器贩卖集团的交易,该集团实力强大,与近期的大宗枪支失窃案有密切关系,马丁的出现,打乱了对方的步骤。很快罗格归队,岁岁年年柿柿红电视剧三人向犯罪集团发起了最后的冲击。 本片获1993年MTV电影奖最佳动作场面奖。
其貌不扬的中年男人米切尔(法布莱斯·鲁奇尼 Fabrice Luchini 饰),他的职业是巡回法院的庭长。在业内,雅玛网米切尔有着“两位数庭长”的昵称,因为凡是他经手的案件,被告人被判刑的年份均超过两位数。 这一次,米切尔要面对一桩非常棘手的案件,案件中的死者,是一名年仅7个月大的婴儿。在审理案件的同时,米切尔还要应付自己顽固的感冒。陪审席上慕霆琛温言免费阅读全文坐着形形色色的陪审员们,其中,一个熟悉的面孔吸引了米切尔的注意,她就是蒂特(西瑟·巴比特·科努德森 Sidse Babett Knuds宫崎骏最新作品en 饰),蒂特是一名医生,曾经照顾过生病主演的米切尔。蒂特的存在让米切尔开始格外认真的审视起这桩扑朔迷离,似乎另有隐情的案件。
Tim McKort
A small town cop has settled into a peaceful existence. He is reunited with a good friend from Canada’s security agency and told to be on the lookout for Ru我自望星朝天歌全文阅读ssians that have disappeared ina4yy com his County. The Russians are a group of cyber-terrorists that have infiltrated and are attempting to disrupt the Canadian election. Colt Hanson – with the 小地主阿豆help of his small force of peace officers, must do everything he can to find the Russians and bring back order to his small town.
暑假来临,大学新生刘易斯·托马斯(保罗·沃克尔 Paul Walker 饰)决定穿州过省,前往新泽西去看望他自高中时代便喜欢的女孩维娜·威尔柯斯(Leelee Sobieski 饰)。为了打发旅途上卑鄙的我国语的无聊时光,他将正因酒后驾车蹲局子的老哥富勒(史蒂夫·赞恩 Steve Zahn 饰)保释出来,兄弟俩一路通行。 旅途中,富勒买了一 青春失乐园 部车载对讲机,与其他的司机扯皮聊天。期间他们搭上一个绰号“锈钉”的卡车司机,富勒突发奇想,怂恿弟弟假扮女人用对讲机勾引锈钉。对他们来说,这似乎是旅途中一个无伤大雅、转眼就忘的玩笑。没想到他们却惹上了这个难缠和太阳之歌歌词恐怖的家伙。在接下来的时间里,锈钉成为刘易斯、富勒和维娜难以摆脱的噩梦……
保拉·艾瑟特 ,托娅·刘易斯
An alarmingly disproportionate number of Black women are f97ganmmailed every year by the U.S. maternal health system. Shamony Gibson and Amber Rose Isaac were vibrant, excited mothers-to-be whose deaths due to childbirth complications were preventable. Now, their partners and families are determined to sound a rallying cry around this chilling yet largely ignored crisis. Directors Paula Eiselt and Tonya Lewis Lee follow Gibson’s and Isaac’s bereaved partners, Omari Maynard and Bruce McIntyre, as they fight for justice and build communities of support, bonding especially with other surviving Black fathers. Their tragic, individual experiences are punctuated with condemning historical context, showing that gynecology has a long-standing history of exploiting and neglecting Black women in America. In the arresting words of mother-to-be Felicia Ellis, “A Black woman having a baby is like a Black man at a traffic stop with the police.” She emphasizes that paying attention is paramount. Aftershock brings an unsettling reality to the forefront while uplifting the families, activists, and birth workers who are striving to bring institutional change and legislative reform. These mothers will not be forgotten.
哈罗德(哈罗德·劳埃德 Harold Lloyd 饰)是裁缝铺里的学徒,个性腼腆2013春节联欢晚会下载内向的他在女人面前总是面红耳赤畏首畏尾,因此常常受到女顾客们的嘲笑。哈罗德是一个非常热爱幻想的人,在他的幻想里,自己是一个将所有女人都玩弄在股掌之中的花花公子,哈罗德将自己的这些荒诞幻想都记录在案写成了小说。 一天,哈罗德决定将已经完台城1923成的书稿带往出版社,运气好的话说不定能获得出版的资格。在前往出版社的性癖日记途中,哈罗德在火车上邂逅了名为玛丽(乔拜娜·劳斯顿 Jobyna Ralston 饰)的女孩。纯洁美丽的玛丽很快就吸引了哈罗德的目光,可与此同时,哈罗德怕女人的老毛病又犯了。
Fueled by the arrival of a young paint最近中文字幕完整版2019免费er, Elpida is a housewife who finds refuge from her monotonous life in her own fantasy world. As this fantasy world becomes filled with thoughts of vengeful violence, the lines blur between fantasy and reality. As events progress, Elpida is forced to question her own reality as she struggles to remember what really happened. »Pause« is Tonia Mishiali’s debut as director of a feature film and is a personal movie about a woman’s struggle in an oppressive marriage. This movie is heavily influe海贼王在线高清免费观看nced by Mishiali’s own upbringing in patriarchal Cyprus. »Pause« is a drama with dark humour that sinks viewers into the world of Elpida and makes them question the position of women as mothers, wives and daughters.
Jonas Trukanas
No bloody slashers have ever before been made in Lithuania. Takashi Miike’s die-hardest fan Jonas Trukanas accomplished his dream and independently created an inventively ripping horror thriller with a minimal budget. Bewitching from the first minutes, the dynamic chase builds a scary atmosphere of danger, fear and horror, while also clinging to luck and chance. “Be the hunters, not the prey,” the school mistress ironically wishes them on the graduation day, when the damnably awesome classmates follow the tradition of renting a cottage for a weekend to celebrate their graduation. They end up in the middle of nowhere for an ultimate prom party. Unfortunately, they make some terribly wrong and naive mistakes on the way. There is no mobile coverage there, as you may expect in line with all the unwritten rules. A mysterious masked savage suddenly shows up with the intention of conducting a stylish massacre. One by one, graduates are barbarously punished and axed for cynicism, arrogance, jealousy, debauchery, blackmail, filthiness, hatred, slandering, and gossiping. So many bright hopes, future plans and promising careers destroyed in just one fateful night at an illegal rave. Only shy Marius is destined to survive and turn misfortune to fortune. But why is the ruthlessly slashing serial killer protecting him? Sparked by local myths and legends (co-written with Titas Laucius, director of “Parade” from the First Feature Competition), inspired by beloved classical slashers and enriched by morbid ironic horror, the film unites whole gang of talented Lithuanian youngsters, led by Gabija Bargalaitė after her immersive debut in “Pilgrims” (Winner of Venetian “稞身美女Orizzonti”). A small indie gem with hidden easter eggs and uncredited cameos.