搜索"El" ,找到 10522部影视作品
Tim Boxell
A nature field researcher is investigating the strange extinction of small animals and insects in the area, which indicates that something is wrong. His suspicions are soon to be proven right when he meets May, who lives in a cabin in the forest nearby. May says that her house is infested by small creatures that she thinks are mice or rats. When the couple search 魁拔之殊途the house further, they notice that they're not rodents or insects. They are fast evolving lizards that have the appetite for animals and humans, no matter what size their prey are...
查尔斯(安东尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins 饰)是一个腰缠万贯的百万富翁,对于他来说,金钱、权利和女人不过是生活的基本配置而已。但是,在为查尔斯打工的摄影师罗伯特(亚历克·鲍德温 Alec Baldwin 饰)眼里,老板所拥有的一切,尤其疯狂猜歌 四个字是他年轻的妻子米琪(艾拉·麦克弗森 Elle Macpherson 饰)都让他感到十分眼红,但是,罗伯特不知道的是,敏感又细心的查尔桃花视频免费高清在线观看斯早就开始怀疑起了他和米琪之间的清白。 在一次工作中,众人乘坐的飞机发生了事故,一行人流落到了阿拉斯加的荒原之上。匮乏的资源,恶劣的天气,凶恶的野生动物,一切的一切都威胁着大家的性命,但最最可怕的,其实是每个人深藏在心底的黑暗面。
John Keitel
约翰(丹尼尔·齐尔森 Daniel Chilson 饰)和皮特(唐·汉德菲尔德 Don Handfield 饰)相识于大学校园之中,虽然身为同性,但两人之间还是产生了致命的吸引力,很快就走到了一起,成为了如胶似漆的爱侣。然而,当时的社会舆论对于同性恋情依旧十分严苛,这段感情带给了不愿受人非议的约翰十分巨大的压力。 无法忍受伴侣遮遮掩掩暧昧不明的态度,皮特和约翰之间爆发了激烈的争吵,悲伤愤怒的两人都下定了分手的决心,然而,之后皮特却万象2004客户端遭到了不法分子的袭击陷入了昏迷之中,得知此消息的约翰心疼万分,在经历了激烈的思想挣扎斗争之后,约翰终于鼓起了勇气,决定正视内心的感情。
1916年,第一次世界大战期间的法国,德法两军的战争如火如荼。值此关键时刻,法国陆军将军布洛拉德(Ad无尽画廊Naruto小南olphe Menjou 饰)向陆军上尉达克斯(柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas 饰)率领的部队下了一道命令:不惜一切代价攻下德军占领的安特山。军令如山,即使前方刀山火海,战士们仍拼死向前冲去。结局可想而知,在敌人密集的炮火下,法军冲锋失败,伤亡惨重。为了掩盖自己的指挥失误,布洛拉德抓捕三名无辜士兵作代罪羔羊,以临阵脱逃等罪名将他们判处死斗战神精英怪分布刑。为了士兵的利益,达克斯上尉奋力争取,却在这一过程中渐渐看清军官和战争的丑恶…… 本片根据啦啦啦免费高清在线观看直播汉弗雷·科比(Humphrey Cobb)1935年的小说《光荣之路》改编荣获1959年意大利国家影评人协会银带奖最佳外语片导演奖、1958年芬兰影艺学院奖最佳导演奖。
After Hassan discovers Zidik living alone on the streets, he takes him in and cares for him like a son. Zidik now works together with Hassan in the junkyard but both men are stuck in the past. 15 years ago, they lost their loved ones to a virus that turned people violent. Hassan often &quo张卫健最新电视剧t;forgets" that the virus killed his wife, while Zidik still remembers his sister attacking his mother and his father sacrificing himself to save Zidik. He also often thinks of Zooey, the girl he met at the orphanage he briefly stayed at before being kicked out by the evil Kak Lily. Meanwhile, Dr. Rahman, a disgraced scientist who previously managed to contain the virus, manufactures a new strain of zombie virus to create chaos. Amid this new zombie outbreak, Zidik encounters a zombified Zooey who tries to attack him but she slowly begins to remember who 破解优酷付费电影he is. Zidik then gets taken prisoner by Dr. Rahman when the doctor discovers that he is immune to the virus.
Faruk Šabanović,Amela Ćuhara
In a world tormented by the Horror, the citizens of Birdabad accept the egg-eating tyranny of Kondor and his carrion crew as the price of safety. Gathered in exuberant daily ritual around the great Egguilibrium mechanism, which is tended by the silent owl, Hasan永恒影院7yh, they unthinkingly trade their eggs for fruit. Hupu, a beautiful and reckless young bird, is determined to save her egg from this terrible fate and with the help of Hasan, who is her husband, and a magical seed, she opposes Kondor and disrupts the system. In the wild chase that follows Hupu, Hasan, Ko甜蜜惩罚真人版日剧全ndor and a tiny busy-body chick called Mi, find themselves flung out of Birdabad into the jaws of the Horror. Terrified, confused, murderously angry with each other, this ill-assorted band form a reluctant alliance with a most p借贷宝视频下载eculiar guide, who promises to help them get home, if they will help him reach the Sun. Only Hupu knows that their guide is blind. Travelling from a vast modern city to the top of a volcano, down the ...
安东尼·霍普金斯、安森·蒙特(《异人族》《星际迷航:发现号》)、艾比·考尼什(《三块广告牌》《明亮的星》海边的曼彻斯特百度云)将主演黑色惊悚片《大师》(The Virtuoso,暂译),Nick Stagliano(《美好的一天》)执导。蒙特饰一个职业杀手,欠下他的导师(霍普金斯)很多,为此他得杀掉最新接受的一个任务目标。但没有任何这个目标的照片和具体描述,他只知道目标会在下午5点,出现在一个死气韩国电视剧秘密花园沉沉的小镇的餐厅里。那么餐厅里任何顾客都可能是这个杀手要杀的人,还有那个神秘的女招待(考尼什),就算她不是目标,也是一个足够威胁这项任务的存在,她甚至可能危害杀手的生命。 该片也即将在#戛纳电影节#暖玉生烟卖片。
吉姆·布劳德本特、海伦·米伦将出演喜剧片[公爵首铁在线](The Duke,暂译),饰演夫妇。影片由罗杰·米歇尔执导,理查德·比恩(《一仆二主》)、Clive Coleman(《青年马克思》)撰写剧本,故事根据60岁的出租车司机Kempton Bunton在1961年从伦敦国家美术馆偷走了一幅戈雅的画的真实故事改编。Bunton发了一封勒索信说,只有在英国政府同意为老年人提供免费电视的条件下,他才会退还画作。 然而,事实证明他正在撒谎,在接下来的50年里,他都没有出现。该事件也是国家美术馆历史上首次也是唯一一次盗窃事凌晨三点免费高清在线件。本片将于2020年1月开拍。