搜索"Gal" ,找到 408部影视作品
Salvador García Ruiz
荷西(阿德丽安娜·尤加特 Adriana Ugarte 饰)是一位在艺术大学就读的女生,一直爱慕着名为马克(尼洛·穆 Nilo Mur 饰)的同学。某日,马克邀请荷西来他的宿舍玩,孤男寡女共处一室,很快,心照不宣的两人便开始宽衣解带,在这个节骨眼上,马克的室友杰米(比尔·度伦 Biel Durán 饰)意外现身,虽然出现的时机不妥,但来的都是客,荷西和马克热情的邀请杰米加入他们的“游戏”之中。 就这样,这一女两男之间开始了他们扭曲的关系。随着时间的推移,荷西开始怀疑,当初杰米的出现并非意外,而是杰米和马克一次筹划的一个阴谋。不仅如此,马克的种种举动亦开始让杰西怀疑起他的性取向来。
Alper Mestçi
Öznur is a young and beautiful woman. She has had a platonic love since childhood to Kudret, who is her cousin. Kudret, however, is married to a woman named Nisa and is very happy. Jealous, Öznur uses terrible black magic to change this so that she and Kudret will be together. However, she is not prepared for the evil that this spell unleashes.
Some Star Wars fans want to collect action figures... these fans want to be action figures! A tribute to the 501st Legion, a global organization of Star Wars costume enthusiasts, this insightful documentary shows how the super-fan club promotes interest in the films through charity and volunteer work at fundraisers and high-profile special events around the world.
意大利米兰的瑞奇家族靠纺织业致富,在家长的寿宴上,爷爷将企业传给了儿子坦科雷德(加布里埃尔.费泽蒂 Gabriele Ferzetti 饰)和孙子爱德瓦多(弗拉维奥·帕伦蒂 Flavio Parenti 饰)。坦科雷德的俄国妻子艾玛(蒂尔aaa级黄影片达·斯维顿 Tilda Swin ton 饰)酷爱烹饪。在结识了儿子爱德瓦多的厨师朋友安东尼奥(爱德瓦多·加布瑞尔利尼 Edoardo Gabbriellini 饰)之后,艾玛被安东尼奥高超的烹饪手艺所吸引,情不自禁坠入爱河超神学院6。不仅如此,艾玛还必须隐瞒她偶然发现女儿伊丽莎白(阿尔芭·洛尔瓦彻Alba Rohrwacher 饰)是同性恋的事实。与此同时,家族的事业也在变迁,尽管爱德瓦多独力反对出售家族企业,却还是无法抵挡资本全球化大潮的冲击,并购势在必行。在探讨商务的晚宴上,一个意外打破了艾玛苦心枯守的表面平静,她的灵魂就要破茧而出……
Colombian music icon Juanes plays Moisés, the eldest of three brothers plying this perilous trade and the linchpin of the operation, while Alberto Guerra delivers a compelling performance as Ulises, a man paralyzed by conflicting decisions and haunted by fear and grief. When Juan (Alejandro Speitzer) — the youngest of the brothers — is coerced into working for a more powerful, rival criminal organization, the shocking underbelly of the business is laid bare and there are tragic consequences.
Harry Bromley Davenport
影片根据真实事件改编; 在洛杉矶有这样一个家庭,丈夫贝斯患有严重的心理疾病,自从他的母亲去世后,这种情况变本加厉。他不但限制家人的自由,更把只有四岁的小女儿卡蒂囚禁起来,并加以残酷的虐待。转眼之间八年过去了,卡蒂已经变成一个十二岁的小女孩,但却始终过着与世隔绝的生活。由于错过了最佳的语言学习时期,她甚至还不会说话,面对这一切,温顺的妻子斯坦蒂只能忍气吞声。但丈夫日益不正常的举动,让她似乎预感到了什么。为了挽救小女儿的生命,在儿子的帮助下,斯坦蒂带着卡蒂逃了出来并向警察求救。一时间,被囚禁八年,几乎像野人一样的小女孩卡蒂成为了社会的焦点,每天都有数不清的记者和好奇的人们想要一探究竟。 在大学主修语言学的学生桑德拉在格雷斯教授的带领下,也来到了这个城市,这一次,他们厚颜无耻无删减版电影的任务是证明在语言最佳学习期后,仍然可以学会说话。桑德拉的出现,改变了卡蒂的命运。卡蒂第一次见到桑德拉就对她产生了好感,而在桑德拉的内心里也油然而生一种怜爱之感。在这段日子里,桑德拉教卡蒂说话,做游戏,照顾地无微不至,而小女孩的情况也似乎有所好转。但这些却遭到了研究所里女医师朱蒂的质疑和讽刺。朱蒂认为只有自己才可以接近小女孩,并想利用对卡蒂的治疗使自己功成名就,自私的治疗动机带给卡蒂更大的伤害。。她采取卑劣的手段,获得批准让卡蒂在她的家里治疗。卡蒂从魔窟中逃脱,却又陷入了另一次囚禁。 卡蒂目前的状况让桑德拉十分担心,她恳求同时研究员的诺曼帮助。但好景不长,在朱蒂的诱导下,卡蒂的生母斯坦蒂执意让女儿回到自己的家,而在那不久,朱蒂又接手了这个案子。桑德拉从中做了许多工作,甚至想收养卡蒂,但一切都于事无补,并且被禁止与卡蒂见面。
Anup Singh
故事发生在1947年的旁遮普邦,印度在脱离英国殖民地统治之后,开始分隔回教徒,印度教派与回教派从此有了冲突。伊尔凡·汗饰演一名被迫逃离家乡的父亲,求子心切的他渴望重建家园,谁料妻子一连生下四个女儿。自欺欺人的他决意要将第四个女儿当儿子抚养,更为“他”安排了一场婚姻,甚至不惜一切…… 本片击败多部亚洲电影,荣获多伦多国际影展NETPAC亚洲电影大奖。评委形容电影“细腻地呈现了身份与转移的议题,片中的难民话题不亲嘴巴视频只影响印度,还影响着整个世界。电影拍摄技术高超,比喻的叙事手法令这个感人故事更能引发观众深思。”
安德鲁·库瑞,Andrew Currie
“THE INVISIBLES” is a visually stunning story about an alternate dimension that exists in the same time and space as our own. Charlie (Tim Blake Nelson) and Hanna (Lucy Liu) are in crisis and facing the end of their marriage, when Charlie literally starts to di乡村爱情12免费观看sappear. As he fades from the world, he discovers a new world of INVISIBLES; people who have disappeared just like him and who now exist in an alternate reality that shares the same physical space as the r喜爱夜蒲2 电影eal world, but have no ability to impact it. Invisibility offers Charlie many benefits. Money is no longer required, there are limitless opportunities to eat and drink anything and everything where and when he wants and being invisible he gets to behave however he likes. But better than that, he lives in a place where emotional pain and personal trauma are now forgotten. Yet Charlie keeps being drawn back to his old life, visiting 千军问道his wife Hanna even though she no longer sees him. As he starts to see their marriage from her point of view and face the tragic loss of their six-year-old son, he soon realises that he must fight to return to reality, and learns that living in the present and looking to the future is the key to life.
编剧兼导演阿扎泽·雅各布斯(《法式出口》、《那些爱人》)执导了这部苦乐参半且趣味横生的故事,讲述了一位年迈的家长和三个成年女儿在他生命的最后几天陪伴在他身边的故事。凯蒂(凯莉·库恩饰)是一位控制欲极强的布鲁克林母亲,每日忙于应对处于青春期的叛逆女儿;自由奔文姝月君尧小说免费阅读放的克里斯蒂娜(伊丽莎白·奥尔森饰)是一位与众不同的母亲,这是她首次与孩子分开;瑞秋(娜塔莎·雷昂饰)是一名体育博彩瘾君子,从未离开过父亲的公寓 — 这令她同父异母的姐姐们非常恼火,因为她们有着不同的母亲和世界观。在三姐妹的日常相处中,雅各布斯继续敏锐地探索亲密空间中的家庭动态,在三天动荡的日子里,在死亡阴影下,怨恨爆发,爱从支离破碎的家庭中渗透出来。
Curtis Crawford
Pretty and popular, seventeen-year-old Brooke Emerson is the envy of her classmates--and even some of her closest friends. But while she seems to have it all, Brooke has never felt so lost. Ever since she sustained a head injury during a cheerleading stunt the previous year, she's suffered from a disorder that causes her to fly into uncontrollable, sometimes violent rages. As hard as she tries to keep it 欧美2019高清hdtogether, she finds herself in danger of jeopardizing her seemingly perfect life. It isn't until Brooke meets Jake, a handsome and charismatic str帝国指婚指南anger, that she feels like she's found someone who not only understands her, but accepts her for who she is. As tempting as it is to get swept up in the romance, she can't help but feel like something in their relationship isn't quite right. When her best friend is brutally murdered, Brooke has no choice but to depend on her new love...especially because she's worried that she might be the killer.